My personal favorite kind of play is bondage and sensation.
You experience life through your senses, each touch, taste, scent, sound, and sight as subjective as the next. Your feelings of the moment and perceptions of your inner and outer worlds dictate the senses you can handle. Your ” hot ” at one point feels “lukewarm” at another.
Not all sensory play is made equal. Some enjoy alluring caresses of feathers and light touches while others crave absolute restriction of all movement. My favorite is the one who can handle it all. It is dependent on the flavor of the moment.
How often do you find your attention to be directed toward your mind and thoughts, while your sensations within the body go unregistered, disregarded, or worse –suppressed?
There is no better way for me to lure you out of your mind and into your body than with bondage and sensation play, where the only way out is past your overly dependent, rational mind and through your very own breath.
Unless, of course, that’s also being restricted…if only for a moment.